And I am sure of this, that he who has begun a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6 Happy fall y’all! It seems that cooler weather and fall days are finally here! We are so excited at CEF Dallas that Good News...
Happy September Friends, Hope you had a wonderful Labor Day weekend! We pray this email finds you well and in good health. Hope your summer has been blessed by God with good working air conditioning. As we head into the cooler and busier months of fall, I have some...
Summer Greetings Friends! We pray this email finds you well, and blessed with health and happiness in the LORD! As we head into the “Dog Days” of Summer, with all the 100+ degree days continuing, things are heating up for another great year of ministry ahead of us. We...
Merry Christmas Friends! Yes, I know it’s summer in Texas with temps in excess of 100F and July starts tomorrow, but we’re already gearing up for Christmas at CEF Dallas. Can you believe that half the year is gone already? Christmas will be here before we know it! Do...
Summer Greetings Friends! Hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and are now looking forward to some summer fun! What a wonderful time we had last Thursday at our Volunteer Appreciation Lunch! We were blessed to see many friends, old and new, join us for this...
Greetings and blessings friends, Hope this finds you blessed and in good health. Spring has sprung and summer is quickly approaching, so the question I have for you is: What are your summer plans? At CEF Dallas, we are gearing up for Summer Party Clubs and our lesson...
“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.” Matthew 28:6 It’s Passion week! We pray you are preparing for a most blessed Easter celebration! We certainly have much to celebrate in the Resurrection of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. But looking back to just...
I guess every Good News Club leader asks the same question, “Why is it taking so long to see fruit?” We had been going non-stop at two clubs in Carrollton and not one student had budged – or for that matter, even shown interest in accepting Christ. Were we doing...
CEF Dallas was saddened to learn last month of the passing of Jane Eagleston. Jane was a faithful volunteer with CEF and served the Lord with joy as she taught each week in a local Good News Club. In celebrating her life, her pastor, Roy Williamson at Stonebriar...
Friends, Revival is breaking out! If you have heard the news, you have likely heard about the “outpouring” happening among college students at Asbury College in Kentucky. Many are speaking of revival. For more than two weeks, students were seeking God, repenting,...