
Revival is breaking out!

If you have heard the news, you have likely heard about the “outpouring” happening among college students at Asbury College in Kentucky. Many are speaking of revival. For more than two weeks, students were seeking God, repenting, being cleansed and having life-altering encounters with God. What started at Asbury has also spread to other college campuses and right here in Texas.

This past Sunday, my wife Debbie and I saw the new movie “Jesus Revolution.” The movie tells the story about the Jesus People movement that got started at Calvary Chapel in the late 1960s. A bunch of disenfranchised youth, Hippies, turned off by the “Establishment,” turned to Jesus as their only source of hope.

The effects of the “Jesus Revolution” continue to this day.

Why do I share this with you? Simply because we need another Jesus movement in our day, especially among our children and youth. Did you know that children have been involved in our nation’s revivals of the past? Revivalists such as George Whitefield and John Wesley, whom God used in our nation’s first Great Awakening, record revival among children.

Whitefield reported:

“It is reported that many children are under conviction, and everywhere great power and apparent success attend the word preached.”

Could God do among today’s children what he did during the first Great Awakening? Of course, He can. In some small measure God is always at work awakening people to His glory.

This week, we received this report as but one reminder of what God is doing:

“Two of the three students who chose to believe during our Valentine’s Club were in our Sunday school classroom again yesterday. After going though the Wordless Book with them, they both made a profession of faith. At pick up, I talked with each of their parents (who were both thrilled), and I handed them each a track so they’d know what we talked about with their kids.”

One characteristic of revival throughout history is that the Gospel is shared more, more often, reaching more people, including children. The Apostle Paul’s desire was “That I might win more of them.” (1 Corinthians 9:19) That is our vision too! More clubs reaching more children and more lives changed.

“That I might win more of them” is also our theme for our Volunteer Appreciation Lunch coming May 25. We hope you will plan to join us.

This month, as we approach Resurrection Sunday, we’re planning more Easter Party Clubs. Here’s your opportunity to be used by God to do more, share the Gospel more, with more children. Plan to join us on March 24 for our Easter Party Club training so together we can see God do more.

And, join us in praying as the Psalmist did, “Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?” (Psalm 85:6)

In Christ,

Brian Considine

Director, CEF Dallas