First Person Testimony from McGowen Elementary

From time to time we receive amazing stories of God’s work in the lives of the children at our local Good News Clubs. When we do, we do our best to share them with you as primary sources, first person accounts from those who were actually there, rather than re-writing...

Director’s Message — January 3, 2024

New Year’s Greetings! We hope your Christmas was filled with God’s love, the joy of our salvation, and much celebration with family and friends! We pray your New Year will be filled with God’s abundant blessings! December was a very busy month here at CEF Dallas. To...

Director’s Message — December 1, 2023

Christmas Greetings! We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Now, as we rush towards Christmas, we’re praying you and yours experience God’s great joy this Christmas Season. May His joy and peace be with you as we give praise to God for our LORD and Savior Jesus...

Director’s Message — November 2, 2023

Greetings and blessings Friends!  I hope this email finds you doing well and staying in the warmth of His Spirit. It seems winter has come early to North Texas this week, with Christmas 52 days away. The Holiday Season begins again with Thanksgiving and giving thanks...

Director’s Message — October 2, 2023

And I am sure of this, that he who has begun a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6 Happy fall y’all! It seems that cooler weather and fall days are finally here! We are so excited at CEF Dallas that Good News...