Summer Greetings Friends, 

We pray you are well and were unaffected by the storms last week. The high winds certainly blew down a lot of trees and branches, as well as causing structural damage to buildings, including my home church. But do you know there is another wind blowing across North Texas? The wind of the Holy Spirit! 

The word ‘wind’ is a good metaphor for the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-2). The Holy Spirit moves like wind and brings change. The Holy Spirit supplies supernatural energy and empowers us to do what we could not do on our own, just like on the first day of Pentecost. The wind of the Holy Spirit is blowing across North Texas stirring hearts and moving people to action like I have not seen in my nearly five years with CEF Dallas. 

In May, we hosted our largest Good News Party training with 30 in attendance, as we prepare to share with nearly 1,000 children through our Ice Cream Party outreach. There’s still time to register for a Party. We saw a number of new volunteers in attendance. We also hosted two ‘Super Seminarios’ with 52 Spanish-speaking folks in attendance! Our Spanish ministry is taking off under the leadership of Angela and Celia. I also want to give a shout out to our Asian Ministry leader Grace and her growing team of volunteers.

Last Thursday, we finished the busy month with our annual Volunteer Appreciation Lunch. Another bad storm kept many from attending but 42 brave souls joined us. We recognized our volunteers with a service pin ranging from one year to 45 years. We were blessed in song and dance by a youth group from the Sonshine Performing Arts Academy of Wylie. Karol Ladd, of our Advisory Council, brought an encouraging word. Most special were the testimonies of several who shared their hearts. 

I want to share two videos with you from our lunch. You might see yourself in our slide show. The second video is a wonderful testimony from April Hoffman who shares her heart for Good News Parties. Give a listen to both and be encouraged.

We also made a few announcements at the Volunteer Lunch you can add to your summer calendar:

  • August 3: Back to School Children’s Ministry Conference, Registration opens June 12
  • August 16: Quick Start Training, Registration opens July 12
  • August 24: Teaching Children Effectively, Level 1, Click here for more info or to register
  • October 5: Gala Dinner, More information coming soon

Please pray with us for the wind of the Holy Spirit to supply supernatural energy and empower us each to do ‘More in ’24 Together’

For the children in Christ!

Brian Considine, Director, CEF Dallas

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