Registration for this event is now closed. If you have already completed your RSVP, we look forward to seeing you on May 25.
All CEF Dallas volunteers, family and friends, are invited to join us for a special luncheon as we celebrate you!
You’ve spent this school year fighting the good fight, setting self aside and serving the most vulnerable generation, doing the work of winning today’s child. You have done what Paul described, “For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them.” (1 Corinthians 9:19) And you have won more of them — the Heavens rejoice and we do too!
So, let’s celebrate!
We have a special luncheon planned for May 25, as we show our appreciation for your partnership with CEF Dallas and recognize your selfless service to reach our children with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Registration for this event is now closed. If you have already completed your RSVP, we look forward to seeing you on May 25.
Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon
Thursday, May 25 | 11:30 a.m.-1:00p.m.
Space is limited so reserve early.
Our featured speaker is Jeff Neal. Jeff has an impressive background, and currently serves with Sports World.
Sports World sends professional athletes to share personal life experiences with students, helping them to recognize the consequences of their choices while challenging them with The Message of Hope. The focus at Sports World is to help students see the value of making positive choices in their life. Sports World also comes alongside teachers and administrators, reinforcing what they are already teaching. The focus is not to create shame for making bad decisions, but to show students they can choose a better way.
As their tagline says, “You’re not born a Winner; You’re not born a Loser; You’re born a CHOOSER.”
Jeff uses the platform of his athletic success to share this message with the same kids we’re connecting with to share the Good News of Jesus.
His testimony will inspire and encourage as we focus on our common ground: the Gospel.
Registration for this event is now closed. If you have already completed your RSVP, we look forward to seeing you on May 25.
Space is limited so reserve early.
To help kids hear the message of salvation, a Party Club provides the perfect opportunity. It can be held once a month, several times a year, or just once a year anywhere children are. It can be incorporated into an existing program such as a Sunday School class, a daycare schedule, or just about any time. Learn more here.
Good News Club ® mobilize and train volunteers from local bible-believing churches to meet with children in schools, as well as community centers, homes, churches, and even online These students have been given parent’s permission to attend. Each club includes a clear presentation of the Gospel and an opportunity for children to trust the Lord Jesus as Savior. Learn more.