What is a 5-Day Club? 
For five consecutive days, one hour and a half each day, children gather to hear Bible stories, sing songs, learn Bible verses, listen to a missionary story, and hear the Gospel clearly presented. You are needed to win boys and girls to the Lord Jesus right in your own neighborhood through 5-Day Clubs.
Do you see a need to evangelize your community? Do you have a burden to reach spiritually lost boys and girls? Then why not you?
Your willingness is a child’s blessing.
How can I help?
The CEF training team can equip you with the knowledge and materials to:
- Host a club
- Teach a club
- Help a teacher
- Pray for a club
If you’d like to know more about hosting a club, contact us for more information.
Will I receive instruction to teach? 
Yes. Child Evangelism Fellowship will provide an exciting program to help you become an effective worker. For information on training sessions, contact us and we’ll be happy to discuss with you the information you’ll need.
What materials will I use?
5-Day Club kits available from CEF Press® provide all the necessary materials. Kits include:
- Bible lesson book
- Visualized verses
- Teaching cards
- Missionary story
- Helps in leading a child to Christ
- Visualized theme song and other song visuals
- Reproducible verse tokens
Where will I work?
You will work in your own community under the supervision of the local CEF director. Your church may help find homes or other suitable locations. Each child attending is enrolled in the club and his/her name is given to a local church for follow-up.