The Good News is the power of God for salvation  for all who believe (Romans 1:16)!

The Wordless Book is a timeless method anyone can use to share the Good News, including children. Children will want to share Jesus with other children when taught a simple method.

Help your child learn how to Go and Tell other children in their school, on their sports teams, and in your neighborhood about the Good News. We will send you a FREE Wordless Book Bracelet for your child to share the Good News. The bracelet comes with a Wordless Book Tract and Bookmark you can use to teach your child how to share the bracelet.

Just complete the form below to receive your child’s Wordless Book Bracelet. FREE! 

We will also send you an adult-sized Wordless Book Bracelet for a gift of only $10.00. There is no obligation but your gift will help us reach more children with the Good News.