hese are unusual and unprecedented days. Fear and uncertainty are widespread. Separation is the word of the day.
Distance may keep us apart, but we stand united in Christ. We can still act as one body to go forward with the Kingdom of God. Together we share the Gospel.
And never before has there been such an urgent need for the hope and light of Jesus Christ!
Tuesday, May 5th, is GivingTuesdayNow. We are inviting you to join us in providing a unified response: Together we share the Gospel.
Your partnership, as you are able, will help us continue to advance the Good News in every way we can. Through distribution channels both new and old, through technology as old as the printed page and as new as video conference calls, we are continuing to reach every child, every nation, every day.
We can’t do it without you. Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day: Together we share the Gospel.
Every day, CEF workers around the world pause at 10:02 AM local time to pray, especially for God to send workers to share the Gospel. Would you join us at 10:02 AM every day in prayer? And join us on our weekly prayer call every Monday at 10:15AM. Phone: (425) 436-6310 Password: 867734
GivingTuesdayNow will be more effective when more people know about it! Please use the Facebook link to tell your friends on social media. Or, copy and paste this page URL to share on Twitter, LinkedIn or other platforms. Help us spread the word far and wide.
We have reduced hours to control operation costs during this season, even while we take creative steps to advance the Gospel. But we need your help to meet our monthly budget. If you have not been negatively impacted by the current crisis, please consider a financial gift.