“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.” Matthew 28:6
It’s Passion week! We pray you are preparing for a most blessed Easter celebration!
We certainly have much to celebrate in the Resurrection of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. But looking back to just last Monday and another school shooting, we have much to mourn as well. Three precious 9 year olds and three teachers lost their lives in another senseless act of violence. One of the children was a the daughter of a Pastor from Park Cities Presbyterian Church in Dallas, bringing this evil close to home.
We know the significance of the Resurrection. Jesus overcame sin and death to bring us life and life abundantly. Today, like at no time in our nation’s history, ours is a culture of death and a celebration of all forms of godlessness. This school shooting, and the one in Uvalde in June of 2022, are symptoms of the confusion of young people so prevalent in our society. The #BattleforTodayforChild we are fighting cannot be more urgent to reach as many children as possible with the new “He is Risen!”
That urgency is highlighted by the Scripture verse for our Annual Volunteer Appreciation Lunch on May 25 – “That I may win more.” We hope you plan to join us for this special gathering. You can register by clicking this link.
At CEF Dallas we’re working hard to get the Gospel to more children. This Easter Season we’re hosting 35 Easter Party Clubs to share the message of the Cross with several hundred children. We are working to do more as our mission is to reach every child. We need to do more because so few know, so more Gospel Workers are urgently needed. One more vital thing is needed – more prayer.
This month marks 3 years of our weekly Monday Prayer Call with a small group of faithful pray-ers. You are invited to join by calling into our Prayer Line at 8:30AM every Monday. Our Team at CEF Dallas also prays every Tuesday for all the children in all the clubs and for all the volunteers who faithfully serve these children. We hope and encourage you to also pray regularly for the children of North Texas.

You are invited to join our prayer call by calling into our Prayer Line at 8:30a.m. every Monday. The call-in number is 425-436-6310 and the password is 867734#
We would love to have you join us each Monday morning for this important time of prayer!
Last week, I went to Prayer Mountain in Dallas for the launch of the North Texas Prayer Alliance. I had the opportunity to discuss with some of the Intercessions gathered a vision for citywide prayer for the 1,000,000 plus children in our Chapter region. What could more prayer for every child look like? We discussed some ideas and we’ll be working on this more.
This week, as we look to the Cross of Christ, Jesus’ atonement for our sins, our LORD’s triumph over death, and His resurrection to new life, join us in praying for the Party Clubs happening, and our ongoing Good News Clubs. Pray for the children and Gospel workers as they share the message of the Cross. Pray for minds to be opened and hearts to receive the Good News…He is Risen!
Praying you and yours have a most blessed Easter!