(Also check out our Coronavirus Response page)
These are certainly different, and for many difficult, times which call for creative ideas to respond in Gospel love.
At CEF Dallas. we are taking a number of different measures as we continue our mission of spreading the Good News. Our primary ministry is to children however we recognize that the most vulnerable, to the Coronavirus, are our elderly neighbors, those 70 and older. Most of our volunteers are Seniors Saints, so we are especially love this age group.
Perhaps you have heard that CEF Dallas has partnered with Bless Every Home and that we are providing churches with a Household List for your nearest school zones, through our Reach Every School initiative. Our purpose is to help your church reach the unchurched children nearest you. A 36 page Demographic report is also available that gives you greater insight into what your nearest mission field looks like.
It is from this same data that we can help you with your church’s response to the Coronavirus. We offer two opportunities for your church members, even as we all practice “shelter at home.”
FREE PRAYER APP FOR YOUR MEMBERS – Nothing can be more important in this season than prayer. Your members, from the safety of their homes, will receive a daily email of their neighbors to pray for. Your church can subscribe to a dashboard monitor the prayer activity. Sign up here.
FREE SENIOR AND WIDOWS LIST – From the Bless Every Home database we can generate a household list of seniors and widows nearest your church. We will provide you with a list of households around church. Assign the list to your outreach teams to reach out via phone or personal visit for prayer and to discover needs.

While supplies last, we will send your church up to 300 “Do You Wonder Why” booklets at no charge. Our only request is that this resource be made available for your children’s ministry and for outreach to unchurched families. (To see what’s inside click here.)


Outreach to the Seniors in your community:
- Request a list of Seniors near your church – click button below
- Divide the List with your outreach Team and Deacons
- Pray daily for the list of Seniors
- Send an encouraging note to the Seniors
- Find their phone number (use Whitepages.com and give them a call
- Discover their needs and find ways meet the need
- Continue to follow-up until the crisis is over

Outreach to the Children in your community:
- Request a list of Children near your church – click button below
- Divide the List with your Children’s Ministry Team and Deacons
- Pray daily for the list of Children
- Send an encouraging note to the families – include a link to Gospel resources for kids.
- See our Conoravirus Resource page for ideas on how to continue ministry to the children involved in your Good News Clubs.
- Continue to follow-up until the crisis is over. We can help with the follow-through.
How Can I Get Involved?
There are several opportunities to be involved with a Good News Club. You can pray for the children and teachers in the club. Become a club teacher or helper by contacting your local chapter and asking about training and opportunities.