Large Palm Sunday we recognized Jesus’ triumphal entrance into Jerusalem. But as we know, the story quickly turns from triumph to apparent tragedy, or so it seemed at the time.

Every Holy Week should lead us to reflect upon Jesus’ trial, crucifixion, brutal death and burial through Good Friday. Of course we know the story doesn’t end there. On Sunday, the tomb is empty. He has risen! Hope lives in a broken world. A new chapter begins and with it new life. Such a contrast between the somber remembrance and triumphal declaration – Jesus is alive!

This year, Covid-19 presents a clear and present danger, a somber reminder we live in a broken world, but as always Jesus presents a living hope and the assurance a new day is coming. Life is full of contrasts. The good news is there is Good News! He is Risen!

Lent 2020 began on Wednesday, February 26th before the global health crisis became a reality for us. Lent ends this Thursday, April 9th, Maundy Thursday, with much uncertainty as the virus spreads. The word Lent derives from the German langitinaz, meaning “long days” or the lengthening of the days in springtime — a meaning even more apropos for our present time.

The Lenten season is meant to be a solemn one, where we as Christians are called to fast, pray, and reflect on the sacrificial life and death of Jesus. The season includes the Lenten sacrifice, the denial of luxuries or comforts, as a reminder of Christ’s sacrifice.

In this Covid-19 season, we need to sacrifice our normal for improved safety, not just for ourselves and families but for our neighbors.  State authorities require that we observe new terms like “social distancing” and “shelter in place” to help “flatten the curve.” We are called to do life in a new way, under new restrictions, with less liberty than we have known. This crisis certainly gives new meaning to “long days.”

This Easter week we won’t be practicing some long-held family traditions. Large family gathering are out. No one will be shopping at the Malls for new Easter outfits. Easter egg hunts are canceled and overflowing church services won’t happen. Small sacrifices really, contrast to those who are sacrificing greatly on the frontlines. First responders and medical professionals need our prayers, now more than ever.

The Lenten solemn season doesn’t end in sorrow. Despite Covid-19 and the changes it brings and demands it makes, we can look to Easter Sunday with fresh appreciation rejoicing in our risen Savior.

Romans 12:12 tells us to “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” And, what a hope we have because Jesus is alive! 

This Easter season brings new opportunities to do things differently. What does that mean for you?

With the extension of the “shelter-in-place” orders through at least the end of April, we at CEF Dallas are already doing new things.

1) We have scheduled a weekly Prayer Call and encourage you to join us.
2) We are hosting Online Good News Clubs.
3) We have trained volunteers to host their own Online Good News Clubs
4) We hosted our monthly Cross Training on Zoom.
5) And, we have also moved other training to Zoom (see column on right).

As we are finding ways to continue ministry in this new season, we are asking you to join us in continuing to minister to the families connected to Good News Clubs. We are seeking to be creative and stay connected. Children and families still need to be reached with the Gospel, now more than ever.

CEF has produced four new resources you can share with parents:
1)  Good News TV on CEF’s U-Nite Youtube Channel
2) “Do You Wonder Why?” Booklet (Your church can order a quantity for outreach)
3) “Stuck at Home” 30-day Devotional
4) Home School Resources

You can find these resources and others listed on our Coronavirus Response page.

Our mission remains to evangelize children, disciple them in the Lord, and connect them to a local church. Our purpose is to partner with you and your church by providing the training, tools and technology to help you be more effective in reaching the children in your community.

We remain committed to the Gospel to reach the children of North Texas and the world. What that will look like post-Covid-19 the LORD knows but we can trust it will be glorious since God’s not finished yet.

Sunday is coming! Jesus is alive! Resurrection blessings!



Teaching Children Effectively (TCE™) Level 1 is designed to offer a fresh approach to evangelizing and teaching children. TCE is an extensive course of the Children’s Ministries Institute® By taking TCE 1 you will be better prepared to minister to children in your GNC or church.


Day: Monday

Time: 10:15AM

Phone Number: (425) 436-6310

Passcode: 867734


How Can I Get Involved?

There are several opportunities to be involved with a Good News Club. You can pray for the children and teachers in the club. Become a club teacher or helper by contacting your local chapter and asking about training and opportunities.